Just Our Best!
We promise to give you more time, to do what you do best -
Leave the marketing hassle to us.
Marketing Strategy
& Consultancy (Annual)
Our marketing consultancy services are a retainer-based offering which provides for a comprehensive outline of ‘monthly marketing activities’ to startup companies as well as established businesses. This specific service is devised to assist the company and its teams do what they do best, while leaving the marketing hassle to us.
We act as a one-point contact to you, or even as the marketing head to your company- with our expertise and long list of trusted associates & affiliates, we aim to deliver an actionable marketing plan, with execution!
Think of any marketing service you would need, and we have it! We not just plan and execute, but we create a strategy to achieve the goals you set - and strive to be your marketing consultant for the infinite journey.
Type of Service: Annual Retainer Contract
Key In-house Services: Marketing Strategy & Consultancy, Brand Guidelines & SOP development.
Associate Services: Website Development & SEO, Social Media Management, PR & Advertising Activities, Graphic Design, Visual & Written Content Development etc.
When it comes to In-House Execution of Services - We claim to be the best in one wholesome specialization; and that is - Ad Services. We believe that a great online presence is vital and hence our Ad-execution & strategy services are spread over several platforms and across a variety of ad formats. Each client’s business is unique, so why are the campaigns not?
We are not your run-of-the-mile, cookie-cutter ad company! We are strategist that design your ads in accordance with your company goals. Be it: lead generation, brand awareness and recall - we custom develop every Ad from scratch! With the goal and outcome being the foundation to every plan.
The platforms that we specialize is Google Ads, as well social media Ad platforms including Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Need an Ad Strategy, don’t know which platform meets your needs? Call to schedule a meeting with us and jump onto a trusted monthly retainer today.
Key Services: Performance Marketing through Online Ad Delivery.
More often than not, businesses need a companion! We have found this service to be most useful to entrepreneurs just starting out on their startup journey, and have chosen to execute most of the business promotional & marketing themselves or via individual vendors.
We believe that ‘marketing’ can tend to operate in silos, however for effective organizational outcomes - there are several cogs that need to operate simultaneously to achieve the short term & long term business goals of the company.
That’s where we step in! Assisting you in activities that link back or away from your marketing division. Our companionship model is customizable to your business goals and requirements. And since every entrepreneur is different and you have chosen to execute - we are here to assist you by going the extra mile.
Key Services: Developing Business Models, Setting Up Operational SOPs, Creating Customer Journeys & Curating Brand Experiences.
Sales Personnel
One of concepts we are always talking about and one that is at the core of what we do, is - ‘Thinking like a Sales Person’ for Marketeers. We believe in this concept so much so, that we created programs to teach this mindset. As well as provide several other knowledge-filled modules of Marketing Strategy and Ad Execution. Keep a look out for that, on our website and sign up for our mailer to know more.
And since we work so closely with the sales personnel / teams of almost all our clients - we have gone the extra mile to develop personnel training workshops for them! These workshops are designed to train your sales team to develop leads, close them, improve efficiency, dress up and show up ‘representing’ everyday! Email us to know more.
Key Services: Sales Staff / Front-End Staff Training, For Marketeers: ‘Thinking like a Sales Person’ Workshops, Importance of Networking.
One-on-Team Strategy Consultancy (Hourly)
This is our latest offering! Every business now, and again - needs an outsiders view on their company. Sometime to see what you are doing right, and sometime to see what they are doing wrong. We provided such an ‘Online Marketing Presence Audit’ to our clients.
This service works perfectly for those entrepreneurs cannot commit to having a full-time consultant on board, but do require our services as a one time review & direction for their brand! Along with dedicated time assigned (audio/video call only), to understand & develop an overall Marketing Strategy that you, and your team can take notes on and build out as you see fit.
Our Audit will include a review of your entire online presence, and develop an overview marketing strategy for the direction you desire for your company. Why waste any more time confused? Contact us to book your One-on-Team Call & Meeting today!
Type of Service: Hourly Consultancy
Key Services: Online Marketing Presence Audit, Brief Marketing Strategy & Brand Direction